Rattles Build Muscles

Noah’s occupational therapist at Our Children’s House at Baylor at Dallas suggested he try out these mini maracas to help develop his fine motor skills.  At first Noah couldn’t hold on to the maracas for more then a few seconds at a time; however as you can see in the video, he know can hold them as long as he wants!

It’s such an encouragement to see all that God has done in Noah’s life. We have been blown away by Noah’s progression!

By the way, you can purchase these at Party City if you are interested.

About Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.


  1. My son had SMA he could not hold many toys is his hands. Before he passed away at 23 months . We found that cat toys (bells in small balls) and those maracas from the party store were some of his favorite things to play with.

  2. How old is he in this video please. I really wish the videos stated his aged so i can copy age appropriate activities

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